Pastor Joshua agreed to look into the matter and inspect the new school and evaluate our new teacher.

Nothing in this world could have prepared me for what was exposed as an elaborate scam that had lasted for more than three years! As it were, there were no children, no orphanage, no school nor teacher. The pictures of the children that we received over the years were that of poor local children being masqueraded in new uniforms for a few dollars. Parents of these unfortunate children are prepared to anything to earn an extra buck, for the sake of survival. Of late, I have realized that this is a common practice in India.

It was devastating to say the least. I had trusted my friends completely. My heart was broken and it took some time to recover from such a grand and drawn out deception. But, to this day I have a heart for India and especially orphans, in any part of the world. I have learned not to hang on to old hurts and disappointments and I have forgiven Pastor Jaya. His problem is with God now and I leave it in his hands where it belongs.

I do not count this against the Indian people. There is a supernatural love divinely planted in my heart for India. One individual does not represent an entire country.

If I have learned one thing, it is to seek the Lord for discernment and walk so closely with him that I shall know His will for my life every step of the way, for the steps of a righteous man are ordered by the Lord, not by man. That was my mistake. I trusted without question and was deceived. Sad to say, I am amongst a great number of people who fall into this kind of deception every year and this is what some Indian pastors are counting on.

In conclusion I would like to say that I have not shared this story of the scam that was perpetrated to deter anyone from lending support to such worthy causes as these. But I would not have you ignorant as I was. It is a fact, that the number one scam in India today is orphanages.