But let us not become weary in well doing, for it is written, Religion that God our Father sees as pure and faultless is this, to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from becoming polluted by the world. James 1:27 I believe that God has chosen India as my field to reap a harvest, for he is the Lord of the Harvest, and he is coming soon.
I have made many Indian friends over the years and now this year in April 2007, I am returning to India. It is quite amazing to me how God can orchestrate such a perfect plan to the last detail that no man, or woman, could ever do. At the last moment, and I mean at 3 o'clock Sunday March 18th, the Spirit of God "moved me" to check out the airlines and I was on a flight to New York in less than 24 hours! I went to the Consulate of India to get my visa same day, in fact I had it within two hours. But I was also brought into contact with people God purposed for me. There was a deliverance and my testimony was given to a taxi driver I believe to be Muslim, and ministering to many people in many ways. In "My" original plan to go to India I would have been going with a pastor from Okalahoma City and one from Vicksburg, Mississippi and we would have been in the states of Kerala and New Delhi.
But God had a different plan. After already having an itinerary in hand, God closed that door and redirected me. This new direction takes me back to Andhra Pradesh where I will stay with and minister with my beloved extended family, Dr. and Mrs. Shohba Rao and family. Even more amazingly, I received a call on my cell phone in the middle of rush hour traffic in Manhatten on my way to Brooklyn. It was from an Indian pastor who lives in Michigan but has a ministry in Tenali requesting me to do a Women's Conference in Tenali, which puts me back in the two places God brought me to in the year 2000, Vijayawada and Tenali. Now I have not been to India in seven years. Just when I am going to India within the month, to the exact state and within an hours drive of Tenali, I was asked to be the speaker at a Women's Conference. I can only speak a little of one Indian dialect, and that is Telugu, a dialect only spoken in Tenali not Vijayawada. I wrote a worship song in Telugu that I will be able to do for them. And why a Women's Conference? If you've read my testimony you'll see that I will be able to address real issues that women would not be comfortable discussing in mixed company, nor would I. But we will be sharing real stories, real problems and I will minister inner healing and deliverance when necessary to women who have abuse issues. This was most assuredly orchestrated by God and I am confident that when pastor Shohba and I begin the conference...God will show up in the fullness of His Power and Glory, and no-one will leave unsaved, broken or bound. What an awesome God we serve, and to Him be all the Glory and praise!