He was slain in the spirit and remained on the floor basking in the spirit of God. and was saved and delivered of his addiction to alcohol. In later correspondence I would inquire of certain individuals and to my utter delight he had quit drinking and was living a Christian life.
We were almost ready to return to home when a woman ran out of her hut speaking frantically in local tongue. I did not know what she was saying but Jaya said Mum, we must go quickly. I started to walk briskly to the hut and all of a sudden in my spirit it was like anti-lock brakes! I stopped and Jaya and his brother Vijay and Jolly turned and asked what is the matter mum? I said, We must pray the Lords Spirit go before us and prepare the way.
I had never feared going to any hut or house even though you do not know the situation until you are actually there, but I knew we needed to pray for the Lord's Spirit to go before us and prepare the way. When we entered the hut, lit only by one small gasoline lantern, we could see a man who was literally skin and bones and barely responsive. I said, This man is dying. Ask him now if he wants to receive Jesus, for there is no salvation beyond the grave. The man was suffering from a type of pneumonia prevalent among AIDS patients. His life style and condition was no secret among the villagers.
He received Jesus and though I believe in immersion and not sprinkling, we made an exception due to his grave condition and he was baptized. We went back the following day to see how he was doing and I had to know for myself if he could recollect or remember the events of the night before; did he remember that he was baptized and what that meant. He said yes, and he was actually looking and feeling better. He said he felt very happy in his spirit. I offered to acquire medications for him from Dr. Rao but he promptly declined. I left India within the week but pastor Jaya took him a meat meal on Thanksgiving Day and visited him almost every day until he died. One week prior to his death, he spoke and Jaya wrote his words as he gave his testimony to me. His old name was Ramulu, named after a popular Hindu god. He wanted to receive a Christian name which I chose for him. He was pleased with his new name, and he liked it very much.