Jeremiah's words. November 30, 2000

Once I was a sinner and a dancer. I destroyed many girls lives. I have committed many sins in my life. Now my age is twenty-seven. I contracted AIDS from a girl I met a couple of years ago. After that I visited many hospitals to find a cure. The doctors told me that I would die soon. Fearing the worst I adored many Hindu gods. I performed many rituals to all the Hindu deities, but there was no hope, no positive results. I lost all the strength in my body. I knew what was to come now; I knew that I will die. But on 16th November, 2006, evening Sister Pat and you (Jaya Kumar) came to my house. From that very moment my life was changed. When I heard about Salvation and received Baptism I got more strength in my spirit. I truly felt inner strength; and I had true peace for the first time in my life. I tried to please the Hindu deities for salvation but everything was in vain only causing more desolation. But I know in reality that night Jesus came to my house through Sister Pat for me. Now I am very happy in spirit and I have peace. If I got death right now, I know I will live with Jesus. So, I need not medicines. I got new life and new name. Please tell Sister Pat to pray for me daily.

Jeremiah went to be with the Lord three weeks to the day after the night of his salvation and Baptism. He wrote this letter to me through the translation of Pastor Jaya, one week before he died. I know I will see him again.

For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord. Romans 6:23