Sometimes demons are within; sometimes they are attached. I stood and stretched forth my hands and by the power of God she was slain in the spirit in an instant. This was a very difficult deliverance, second only to that of a woman in Tenali. The demon resisted for a long time and many pastors helped as it was necessary, but I just kept commanding in the name of Jesus and I found myself saying things I had never heard like you must leave the woman. You have no choice, you have no authority. The only authority here is that of the Holy Spirit. You must is the law! And then I chucked to myself and thought, and what shall I do, give it a citation!
At that moment I had the realization that there are two kinds of laws, mans laws and Gods laws. Mans laws can change and have to change. They are made by man and they are changed by man. Spiritual laws never change. The demon must leave in the name of Jesus. It is a spiritual law. I have a saying. Natural things are ever changing. Supernatural things are never changing. Even the earth is ever changing. It is a natural process, an integral part of earths existence. A piece of coal will eventually become a diamond through a natural process, but supernatural things do not change. The demons have always had to leave when commanded by Christians in the name of Jesus, according to the power and authority of the Holy Spirit.
There are innumerable references in the Holy Bible where demons caused such havoc, and yet there are some who believe that when the last apostle died, they just....went away. And why would they do that? Preposterous!
When I began writing this book, it was to share my experiences in India, but when it came to things that were evil or unbelievable I was tempted to leave those things left implicit. Shortly after starting my book, a friend gave me a book called A Chance to Die, the life of Amy Carmichael. She was in Japan at the time but served most of her missionary work in India. If you are having trouble with believing please go through the pages of A Chance to die and you will see there are similar circumstances, not jut in India but Japan as well.
Amy might have deliberated about including these experiences. I can only surmise. She was a missionary over 100 years ago. She may have even read from the same Missionaries Handbook printed in 1899 that I have in my possession to this very day. It is at least conceivable. I hesitated to include any stories concerning demons although there were as numerous deliverances as there were salvations and healings, but I felt bound to tell it all, the good, the bad, and the evil. It is not my intention to sensationalize a single event.