When a person is possessed by a demon, you cannot exactly pick them out of a crowd, but the moment I touched them, it was war! There was a very large lady amongst the people attending the service. She was the first in line for prayer, and mind you there were children in the line also. Imagine if you can, for every word is the truth of the matter, just as it happened. She was an obese woman, twice my size. I stretched out my hand and put it on her forehead and she started to struggle and down she went. No, I did not push her down; it was a kind touch to the forehead. She was slain in the Spirit immediately. I dropped down to my knees instantaneously alongside her and in the name of Jesus began to command the demon to come out. There was a low tone, a barely audible growling sound. In all the deliverances I can tell you for certainty it is almost never the same. They manifest in so many myriad ways. I asked Shohba to fetch the anointing oil and soon she was beside me assisting me. By then the woman was thrashing about uncontrollably. During deliverance it is important to keep the person from hurting themselves or anyone else from thrashing about.It took about ten minutes, but she was finally delivered and stood up and began Praising the Lord! Now since the situation had resolved, I looked up at the very next individuals in line, to my surprise they were two little girls, looking intently at me.
I thought for a moment that they would be terrified of me because of what they had just seen and heard. Much to my astonishment, the girls came right to me and I put my arms around them and said, Do not be afraid, I just chase away the bad ole devil and Jesus is on our side. The girls, who seemed to be about eight and the other might have been ten years old, smiled and said we are not afraid, and truly, they were bold and unwavering. I asked them what could I pray for them and they said they had just lost their parents in a road accident. My heart broke for them. Later I realized the Lord had brought me to India because he would place in my heart a burden for orphaned children.