I was asked to sing at their wedding and give my Blessing. I was honored, and sang the only thing I could think of Amazing Grace. Jaya was the only one there besides me who knew what I was singing He interpreted for me while preaching but singing was a matter of melody and style and the lyrics did not seem all that important to them. It was a very beautiful service. She was a very shy and reserved young lady, and did not speak directly to me, but expressed her gratitude to Jaya for my participation. When the ceremony was over everyone went down stairs and celebrated for a short time. Then, an auto was rented for them and they were saying goodbye to their family while I stood inside admiring how beautiful she looked. She was trying to say goodbye to family and friends but kept looking up at me. I wanted to say something to her and all of a sudden, she turned and ran into the house and threw her arms around my neck and hugged me. Of course, I cried, and as I embraced her, I said a silent prayer that she and her family would be saved.
After that ceremony this man Sreenu had been attending church there for a couple months, but his wife was still clinging to her traditional Hindu ways. That day Sreenu was touched by the Spirit of God in such a mighty way that he did not want to wait for a group Baptism, he wanted to be baptized as soon as possible. So we took him to Emani village where there is a traditional spot in a canal where Baptisms are usually done. Sreenu was the first soul for the Lord during my visit, in the service that followed the ceremony. He is a gentleman in his thirties, no children; a wife who still holds to her Hindu beliefs, but Sreenu is sold out for Jesus!