The last scheduled crusade was a three-day street crusade, for which we had to obtain a permit, and the Hindu and Muslim officers were present most of the time, for my protection but I did not know that at the time. Putting all fear behind, we arranged for the crusade and all that entailed. We had to rent a sound system, lighting system, a band for adulation, mats to adorn the street which doubled as a comfortable seating area for public. Some elder men sat in chairs toward the rear end. We put together a stage and had microphones set up. We had a very large and beautiful sign painted on cloth as a backdrop to the stage. Besides myself, there were approximately seven other pastors who took the stage to preach. Jaya translated for me except when Dr. Rao presided as a guest, and he kindly took upon himself to do the translation.
The street was blocked off from either side and the traffic diverted, there were very few seats, but eventually even standing room was scarce. Hundreds of people had descended to witness our humble event, which was to last for three consecutive nights. At the end of each night, as many as who wished (which was most) stayed over for the concluding prayer.
This is when people would be slain in the spirit, saved, healed and delivered. God's power was greatly manifested in these crusades and it was the substantiation for those who were there and received that God is still present and all powerful; still doing creative miracles. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow.
These crusades lasted long into the night, sometimes past 2am, starting just
before sun down around 6pm. These people and children stayed as long as it took
to be prayed for and blessed no matter how long they had to wait, so much faith.
They wanted to be blessed, healed, delivered, saved, and would wait as long as
necessary to have hands laid on them by this friend of Jesus. Of course, the
actual outcome was the proof of Gods power and strength. I did little, but God
did much.
One example of a healing was that of Pastor Yesudas, one of the pastors who two
years later would be one of the seven to ordain me. He gave a testimony of how
he was instantly healed of a high fever. He was one of our ministry team, and
after all the people had gone and they were tearing down the stage he asked me
to pray for him.