I do not know why some are murdered and martyred while others seem to find divine deliverance and protection but I thank God we were in the latter.I believe there were angels between them and us and they did not overcome us because they were supernaturally hindered from doing so. Angels are supernatural. Ghost and even demons are all supernatural beings. So why do some people find it so hard to believe in the supernatural? Yet there are those poor uninformed and misled individuals who seek answers and knowledge of the future by consulting mediums, fortune tellers and other forms of divination. Their powers are supernatural as well, but the source of that power is demonic and there will be Hell to pay, literally! Saul lost his place as King and died in battle having thrust himself through with his own sword (Ref: 1 Sam 28:7-16). Disobedience and divination are serious crimes against God. Obedience and a Godly lifestyle is the key to the abundant life and life eternal in Paradise. Choose this day whom you will serve, for tomorrow is promised to no one.
Yes, I believe in the supernatural. I believe in supernatural healing, deliverance, blessings, provisions and providence. I am a believer of great faith and some of my experiences have contributed to that. Well, we were on a mission for the Lord, and I trusted fully in His ability to bring us through anything and everything.. We prayed and sang songs and made it home safely.
Though the gang was never far behind, they stayed close enough to be nerve-racking. We never acknowledged them and we Praised God for his divine protection.
I believe His divine hand was upon my health as well. I made a personal vow when I left the United States that I would not drink water that was not in a sealed bottle, but that rule lasted for about a day because I had never experienced that level of thirst before. While preaching in Emani Village and praying many hours without ceasing, Surya would tap me on the shoulder at least once every half-hour and hand me a glass of water. Honestly, for all the tea in China I could not tell you what color it was.I did not look at it; I just guzzled it down and continued where I left off praying, leading people to Christ, casting out demons, working up a thirst. The water I drank was from an open well in a remote village that raised buffalo and chickens for food and milk. There were plenty of pigs too but pigs were thought to be of the inferior, having the nature of mice. The mixture of buffalo, chicken, dog, pig and human feces was overtly abundant, but the locals have probably acquired immunity to a lot of it because their bodies are used to it while mine was not. Contaminated water is also a source of many diseases, yet through it all I never once broke open the Imodium D, I did not need it.